My first game!

This is the first game I've ever released on an official store (itch, Play Store, App Store), and I plan on many more to follow!

I made the very first prototype of this game in high school, around 2011, meaning this tiny little game took 7 years to release. Of that time, I only spent 3-4 real months designing and making the game. The first prototype that was fun appeared in college, but it was written with PyGame, and I had trouble distributing it to people without Python installed. In the time since, I worked on many game ideas, but never released any. It wasn't until early 2018 that I finally decided to just take a game I've already designed and actually release it. Just so I can finally say I've finished something.

And I plan on keeping on with that strategy. Here's to a year of actual releases.


Fat Dot (Win64) 1 MB
Mar 16, 2018
Fat Dot (Win32) 986 kB
Mar 16, 2018
Fat Dot (Ubuntu 16.04) 802 kB
Mar 16, 2018
Fat Dot 2.4 MB
Mar 22, 2018
Fat Dot Web Play in browser
Mar 16, 2018

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